Race Weekend Schedule

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Time Details
05:00 PM OPENEvent Base open for tent setup
5-9:00 PM Pre-race check-in and number collection @ event base
09:00 PM CLOSEGate into event base closed for the night.
Time Details
05:00 AM OPENEvent Base open
5-6:00 AM Last chance to enter the event venue car park.
5-6:45 AM FINAL race check-in and number collection @ event base
06:50 AM Mandatory safety briefing at the START/FINISH line.
07:00 AM RACE STARTBackyard Ultra & Team Relay
07:03 AM RACE START50K Ultramarathon
02:05 PM Hourly EXIT convoy commences from main car park3
03:00 PM 50 KM BU Lap Begins: all finishers of this lap qualify for "ULTRA Halo"
6-7:45 PM FINAL check-in and number collection for Twilight Marathon
08:00 PM Switch to Night Time Course
08:01 PM RACE STARTTwilight Marathon
09:00 PM NIGHT RULESFirst lap under Night Time Rules1
09:05 PM LAST convoy to exit venue car park (until Sunday morning).
10:00 PM 100 KM BU Lap Begins: all "backyard" finishers of this lap qualify for "100K Halo"
Time Details
05:00 AM NIGHT RULESFinal lap under Night Time Rules1
07:30 AM RACE START21.1K Half Marathon
06:00 AM 100-mile BU Lap Begins: backyarders to complete qualify for "100 Mile Mega-Halo"
06:05 AM Venue car park EXIT convoy restarts.
07:00 PM CLOSEOfficial Event Close (if not already completed)2

Time Details
5 mins to hour Latest Backyard Ultra DNFs (+ team winners) assemble at main stage
3 mins to hour "3-minute warning" whistle (three toots) sounds
2 mins to hour "2-minute warning" whistle (two toots) sounds
2 mins to hour Medals & Team Awards presented on main stage
1 mins to hour "1-minute warning" whistle (single toot) sounds
On the Hour STARTLap commences. Any participant not in start corral is DNF
5 min after hour EXIT convoy departs main car park to Calluna Cres exit 3
  1. During Night Time Rules, all participants must wear a headlamp, carry a cellphone and may be accompanied by a non-competitior. See Mighty Ultra Competition Rules for more info.
  2. The Mighty Totara Backyard Ultra will conclude with a brief prize giving when THE LAST ONE STANDING completes their final lap. In the unlikely case that there are still more than two competitors lined up for the 7pm Sunday start (having completed 234.5km) these competitors may continue at their own volition, under their own steam and in the absence of official event support. Naturally, if this extraordinary occurence takes place, you can be sure the team from RUNNING EVENTS will be there to cheer you on no matter how long it takes. 
  3. Car Park entry/exit is strictly controlled. See Parking Info and map on web site for details.