Course Maps & Descriptions – Omaha Half Marathon

Course Maps & Descriptions


Course Maps

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Turn-by-Turn Descriptions

Follow our detailed description of each course ...

Half Marathon Turn-by-Turn

KM 0.0 | Start | Taumata Rd
Race Start will be on the western side of Taumata Rd right on the junction with Mangatawhiri Drive. Allow at least five minutes to make your way to the start line from the race venue and ensure you arrive in time to hear the safety briefing. The start line for the Omaha Half Marathon is kept deliberately narrow to spread the field out as much as possible prior to the dune path and beach entry, so don’t be concerned if it takes you a few minutes longer than usual to get going, your time only starts as you pass under the start arch. Important! We may briefly halt the start from time to time to spread runners out, don’t be concerned if you are paused just as you are about to start, it will be for less than 60 seconds.

KM 0.005 | Turn Right > Mangatawhiri Rd
Right after the start line, turn right onto Mangatawhiri Rd (which is the main road for the southern end of the peninsula). Keep to the right side of this road and bear right around the grass median as you will have returning runners coming back on the other side of the road sooner than you think.

KM 0.2 | Turn Right > Paraoa Cres
Just past the entrance to the event venue, take a right turn into Paraoa Cres for the long out-and-back which helps to spread the field out prior to the narrow section on the dune path. Paraoa is a sweeping crescent over 500m in length with a planted grass median most of the way. The running surface is superb. Remember to stay on the right side of the road as you will use the other side of the road to head back towards the start line after the turnaround.

KM 0.8 | Turnaround > Paraoa Cres
Opposite Tio Lane, use the break in the planted median to turnaround and return back down the landward side of Paraoa Cres – back towards the start line. Wave to your 1,000 new best mates on the other side of the road as you pass :)

KM 1.3 | Turn Left > Mangatawhiri Rd
Staying on the right side of both roads, turn onto Mangatawhiri Rd and run around the right (landward) side of the planted median and past the entrance to Rahui Te Kiri reserve.

KM 1.5 | Turn Left > Taumata Rd
Back at the start line, ensure you run into Taumata Rd on the eastern side of the grass median – do not pass under the START arch / over the timing mats. Taumata takes a 90 degree right turn as it heads towards the tennis courts at the end of the cul-de-sac. The next section of path is quite narrow and will be congested so use Taumata Rd to get yourself into the right section of runners to match your pace.

KM 2.0 | Ahead / Beach Path
At the end of Taumata Rd, take the footpath to the left of the tennis courts and follow it around to the left and towards the beach.

KM 2.2 | Turn Left / Dune Path
As you arrive at the beach entry – and under the watchful gaze of the Powhenua – take a sharp left turn onto the main dune path. You’ll stay on this path for the next 1500 metres. The concrete path is relatively narrow so please stay hard left unless passing. The first section of this path passes some of the most exclusive – and expensive – real estate in Auckland. You’ll pass the venue shortly afterwards, which is a great place for your supporters to cheer you as you go past.

KM 2.6 | Venue Aid Station. Serves water only. The second section of the dune path has some small ups and downs but with the excitement of the early stages of the race, its unlikely you’ll notice. Focus instead on the views of beautiful Omaha Beach – that’s our next stop!

KM 3.7 | Turn Right / Walkway 14 & Beach Entry
To minimise dune disturbance, all entry to the beach at Omaha is via designated walkways which usually have a wooden structure and fencing. The walkways are numbered and you may notice signposts as you go past. The walkway adjacent to the venue is #18 and you’ll pass 17, 16 and 15 as you head south to our beach entry point at Walkway 14. In the past, the beach entry has become severely congested due to runners slowing down as they hit the soft sand. To avoid this, we please ask that runners concentrate on maintaining a good strong pace until you are onto the beach. If you feel the need to slow down here, move off the running line so that you do not slow those behind you. 

Walkway 13 Diversion | In order to minimise disruption at the beach entry, we may send selected groups of runners further south on the dune path to enter the beach at Walkway 13. So don’t be concerned if you are suddenly directed further along the path. Just follow the instructions of our event crew and your entry point to the beach will only be another 200 metres further on. 

Once on the beach, there is no designated path so you can run on any section of the wide beach you like. Closer to the water, you may find the sand to be wet and clingy. Too close to the dunes and the white powder will make running pretty tough. So look for the sweet spot where the sand is firm and packed for the best running. You are only on the beach for 2km, make the most of this beautiful setting (and save the dip in the water for after you finish!).

KM 5.8 | Turn Left / Beach Exit & Boardwalk
Let’s not sugarcoat this … the beach exit is pretty tough. Diverting from the hard packed sand, you’ll have about 30 metres of soft sand to get through – including a 2m climb off the beach and into the dunes. But one you are there … wow! The boardwalk! The 150 metres long boardwalk at the northern end of Omaha Beach provides one of the most iconic images in New Zealand running. Recover your breathing, fix up your hair and get that winning smile ready … there will *always* be a photographer near the end of the boardwalk to capture that stunning image as you run past. The boardwalk was reconstructed in 2023 and there is now room to pass so please keep hard left unless passing.

KM 5.9 | Turn Left / Rita Way
Off the boardwalk, there is a short section of beach path before a sharp and narrow left turn into the end of the Rita Way cul-de-sac. Here you will also find an Aid Station.

KM 6.2 | Turn Left / Omaha Drive
At the end of Rita Way, a left turn takes you onto Omaha Drive, which is the primary road for the northern half of the peninsula. Just like Mangatawhiri Rd, Omaha Drive has a wide grass median most of the way. You will remain on the seaward side of Omaha Drive all the way to the main roundabout and a coned lane and footpath are available for you to stay clear of any vehicles. Take care passing cul-de-sacs on your left but we expect traffic to be very light. Half way down Omaha Drive – past the 7km marker – the other side of the road will open out to the Omaha Beach Gold Club with wide views across the course, the estuary and Point Wells on the other side.

KM 7.9 | Turn Right / Broadlands Drive
This is the main roundabout in Omaha and the point where the half marathon and 10k courses diverge so make sure to keep your wits about you and be prepared for motorists who may be impatient. A few seconds delay here will not impact your event so always err on the side of caution. As you arrive at the roundabout, you’ll be directed to cross Omaha Drive by event marshals. Do not drift across the road before the crossing point – follow the marshal’s instructions. They are there for your safety. 

Broadlands Drive is not closed to traffic for the event so ensure you run within the wide bike lane throughout. Later in the day, runners will be moving in both directions on this section so please keep right at all times here and throughout the Point Wells section of the course. The first section of Broadlands Drive has dense bush on both sides - providing some welcome relief from the sun – before it opens out onto the causeway across the estuary. The views here are spectacular!

KM 9.2 | Straight Ahead / Omaha Flats Rd
Once over the causeway, Broadlands Drive becomes Omaha Flats Rd. Continue along the bike path.

KM 9.8 | Turn Right / Matakana Cycle Trail
Leave the road behind and take a peaceful 700m long section of the Matakana Cycle Trail towards Point Wells. This is a beautiful section of the course with handsome rural properties on either side of the wide gravel path.

KM 10.5 | Bear Right / Point Wells Rd
The end of the cycle trail marks the half way point of the race (or close to 16km on your way back) and you’ll find an Aid Station, inflatable arch and timing mats here to mark the occasion. Exiting the cycle trail, carry on due north on Point Wells Rd towards the tranquil Point Wells township. Traffic Management will contain this section of the main road to a single lane for vehicular traffic. This leaves the wide footpath for runners heading north towards Point Wells and the spare traffic lane for runners heading south back towards Omaha.

KM 11.5 | Turn Right / Waimanu Pl
Leaving the main road behind, Waimanu Pl is a quiet cul-de-sac and you can expect to encounter runners going in both directions through here.

KM 11.8 | Turn Right / Waimanu Reserve
At the end of Waimanu Pl, a narrow lane opens out onto a grassy reserve. Run to the very end and a short boardwalk section takes you to the estuary’s edge.

KM 12.1 | Turn Left / Point Wells Esplanade
Leaving Waimanu Reserve, you arrive onto the grassy esplanade that goes right around the entire top of the Point Wells peninsula. The esplanade has trees, bushes and picnic tables dotted along its length such that there is no clear path to follow – when in doubt, follow the person in front! Right around this grassy section there are wide views across the estuary to Omaha in the east and Whangateau to the north. Just before the exit onto Riverside Drive, a public toilet is available … but note the water here is not for drinking.

KM 12.9 | Straight Ahead / Riverside Drive
Exiting the esplanade reserve you pass through the swing gate and onto Riverside Drive, which has some beautiful homes on the landward side and bush and scattered views of the Omaha River to the west. Continue down this road the turnaround.

KM 13.3 | Turnaround / Riverside Drive
Towards the end of Riverside Dr, before it turns inland towards the main road, the turnaround point is just outside #13. Do a 180 turn here and head back the way you came for a short while.

KM 13.5 | Turn Right / Harbour View Rd
Turn away from the river and head east across the top of the peninsular on Harbour View Rd. This road is very quiet with no marked centre line. Keep to the left and look out for the decorated Christmas letterboxes, a feature of Point Wells over the holidays. Harbour View bends round to the south and you’ll truck right on past the 14k. This section of the road is a cul-de-sac so keep running right to the very end where a narrow lane marks the exit.

KM 14.1 | Straight Ahead / Waimanu Pl
The lane from Harbour View Rd takes you back to Waimanu Pl and you’ll find yourself back at the end of that cul-de-sac to complete the loop of the north end of Point Wells. From this point on - all the way to the main roundabout in Omaha – you are retracing your steps from the earlier part of the course.

KM 14.5 | Turn Left / Point Wells Rd
Retrace your steps back to the cycle trail using the closed traffic lane.

KM 15.3 | Bear Left / Matakana Cycle Trail
Pass over the timing mats, through the arch and grab a drink at the Aid Station as you head back onto the cycle trail.

KM 16.2 | Turn Left / Omaha Flats Rd > Broadlands Drive
Retrace your steps back over the causeway to the main roundabout in Omaha.

KM 18.1 | Straight Ahead / Broadlands Dr Roundabout
Follow the directions of marshals to cross back over Omaha Drive at the main roundabout and continue on the footpath of Broadlands Drive. Depending on your pace, you can expect to join up with participants in the 10k at this point. You will all follow the exact same route back to the finish line.

KM 18.3 | Bear Left / Broadlands Dr Footpath
Staying on the footpath of Broadlands Drive, as you get towards the point where the road splits off towards the shops (still called Broadlands Dr), the footpath will weave between some planted beds. The footpath continues in the same direction as the road but is several metres separated from it. Look out for driveways crossing the path along this section. Once you arrive at the shops, the footpath goes around the northern side of the parking area to the surf club.

KM 18.6 | Turn Right / Surf Club & Dune Path
At the far end of the car park, right next to the Omaha Surf Club, you’ll be directed to cross the car park between a coned lane and join on to the dune path. Follow this dune path all the way to Walkway 13 beach entrance.

KM 18.9 | Turn Right / Walkway 13 > Footpath
When you get to walkway 13, you’ll turn right – away from the beach – onto a footpath that takes you between houses to a wooden footbridge over a gully next to Mangatawhiri Rd (the main road on the southern end of the peninsula). This path has a couple of short hills to negotiate.

KM 19.2 | Turn Left / Mangatawhiri Rd
Once over the footbridge, take a left turn and stay on the footpath on Mangatawhiri Rd. As you make this turn, you’ll find the final Aid Station. Stock up … less than 2km to go! You’ll stay on this footpath heading south for almost 1km. Take care as you pass several cul-de-sac entrances and a car parking area.

KM 20.1 | Turn Left / Paraoa Cres
So close now you can probably hear the finish line PA! Paraoa Cres is fully closed for the event so as you turn into the road, you can move on to the smooth running surface of the seaward side of the road. Just be sure not to cross over the median strips to the landward side. Follow this beautiful crescent all the way back around to the event venue.

KM 20.8 | Turn Left / Mangatawhiri Rd
At the end of Paraoa Cres, you’ll be directed up onto the footpath as you turn left. The entrance to the venue is just ahead.

KM 20.9 | Turn Left / Rahui Te Kiri Reserve
It doesn’t get any better than this! Take the sharp left turn into the reserve and you now have 200 metres of footpath, boardwalk, flags, fences and cheering fans as you make that final blast up to the finish line!

Congratulations ... you made it!

10k Turn-by-Turn

KM 0.0 | Start | Taumata Rd
Race Start will be on the western side of Taumata Rd right on the junction with Mangatawhiri Drive. Allow at least five minutes to make your way to the start line from the race venue and ensure you arrive in time to hear the safety briefing. The start line for the Omaha Half Marathon is kept deliberately narrow to spread the field out as much as possible prior to the dune path and beach entry, so don’t be concerned if it takes you a few minutes longer than usual to get going, your time only starts as you pass under the start arch. Important! We may briefly halt the start from time to time to spread runners out, don’t be concerned if you are paused just as you are about to start, it will be for less than 60 seconds.

KM 0.005 | Turn Right > Mangatawhiri Rd
Right after the start line, turn right onto Mangatawhiri Rd (which is the main road for the southern end of the peninsula). Keep to the right side of this road and bear right around the grass median as you will have returning runners coming back on the other side of the road sooner than you think.

KM 0.2 | Turn Right > Paraoa Cres
Just past the entrance to the event venue, take a right turn into Paraoa Cres for the short out-and-back to get our course distance spot on. Paraoa is a sweeping crescent over 500m in length with a planted grass median and excellent running surface.

KM 0.3 | Turnaround > Paraoa Cres
Just 100 metres in Paraoa Cres, just opposite Pipi Lane, use the break in the planted median to turnaround and return back down the landward side of Paraoa Cres – back towards the start line.

KM 0.4 | Turn Left > Mangatawhiri Rd
Staying on the right side of both roads, turn onto Mangatawhiri Rd and run around the right (landward) side of the planted median and past the entrance to Rahui Te Kiri reserve.

KM 0.6 | Turn Left > Taumata Rd
Back at the start line, ensure you run into Taumata Rd on the eastern side of the grass median – do not pass under the START arch / over the timing mats. Taumata takes a 90 degree right turn as it heads towards the tennis courts at the end of the cul-de-sac. The next section of path is quite narrow and will be congested so use Taumata Rd to get yourself into the right section of runners to match your pace.

KM 1.0 | Ahead / Beach Path
At the end of Taumata Rd, take the footpath to the left of the tennis courts and follow it around to the left and towards the beach.

KM 1.2 | Turn Left / Dune Path
As you arrive at the beach entry – and under the watchful gaze of the Powhenua – take a sharp left turn onto the main dune path. You’ll stay on this path for the next 1500 metres. The concrete path is relatively narrow so please stay hard left unless passing. The first section of this path passes some of the most exclusive – and expensive – real estate in Auckland. You’ll pass the venue shortly afterwards, which is a great place for your supporters to cheer you as you go past.

KM 1.6 | Venue Aid Station. Serves water only. The second section of the dune path has some small ups and downs but with the excitement of the early stages of the race, its unlikely you’ll notice. Focus instead on the views of beautiful Omaha Beach – that’s our next stop!

KM 2.7 | Turn Right / Walkway 14 & Beach Entry
To minimise dune disturbance, all entry to the beach at Omaha is via designated walkways which usually have a wooden structure and fencing. The walkways are numbered and you may notice signposts as you go past. The walkway adjacent to the venue is #18 and you’ll pass 17, 16 and 15 as you head south to our beach entry point at Walkway 14. In the past, the beach entry has become severely congested due to runners slowing down as they hit the soft sand. To avoid this, we please ask that runners concentrate on maintaining a good strong pace until you are onto the beach. If you feel the need to slow down here, move off the running line so that you do not slow those behind you. 

Walkway 13 Diversion | In order to minimise disruption at the beach entry, we may send selected groups of runners further south on the dune path to enter the beach at Walkway 13. So don’t be concerned if you are suddenly directed further along the path. Just follow the instructions of our event crew and your entry point to the beach will only be another 200 metres further on. 

Once on the beach, there is no designated path so you can run on any section of the wide beach you like. Closer to the water, you may find the sand to be wet and clingy. Too close to the dunes and the white powder will make running pretty tough. So look for the sweet spot where the sand is firm and packed for the best running. You are only on the beach for 2km, make the most of this beautiful setting (and save the dip in the water for after you finish!).

KM 4.8 | Turn Left / Beach Exit & Boardwalk
Let’s not sugarcoat this … the beach exit is pretty tough. Diverting from the hard packed sand, you’ll have about 30 metres of soft sand to get through – including a 2m climb off the beach and into the dunes. But one you are there … wow! The boardwalk! The 150 metres long boardwalk at the northern end of Omaha Beach provides one of the most iconic images in New Zealand running. Recover your breathing, fix up your hair and get that winning smile ready … there will *always* be a photographer near the end of the boardwalk to capture that stunning image as you run past. The boardwalk was reconstructed in 2023 and there is now room to pass so please keep hard left unless passing.

KM 5.0 | Turn Left / Rita Way
Off the boardwalk, there is a short section of beach path before a sharp and narrow left turn into the end of the Rita Way cul-de-sac. Here you will also find an Aid Station.

KM 5.3 | Turn Left / Omaha Drive
At the end of Rita Way, a left turn takes you onto Omaha Drive, which is the primary road for the northern half of the peninsula. Just like Mangatawhiri Rd, Omaha Drive has a wide grass median most of the way. You will remain on the seaward side of Omaha Drive all the way to the main roundabout and a coned lane and footpath are available for you to stay clear of any vehicles. Take care passing cul-de-sacs on your left but we expect traffic to be very light. Half way down Omaha Drive, the other side of the road will open out to the Omaha Beach Gold Club with wide views across the course, the estuary and Point Wells on the other side.

KM 6.9 | Turn Left / Broadlands Drive
The main roundabout in Omaha is a busy spot and this is the point where half marathon participants branch off for their extended loop around Point Wells. Depending on your pace, you can expect to have half marathoners merge in with you at this roundabout. Either way, 10k participants stay on the footpath and follow it around to the left for a gentle incline up towards the turn off for the shops.

KM 7.1 | Bear Left / Broadlands Dr Footpath
Staying on the footpath of Broadlands Drive, as you get towards the point where the road splits off towards the shops (still called Broadlands Dr), the footpath will weave between some planted beds. The footpath continues in the same direction as the road but is several metres separated from it. Look out for driveways crossing the path along this section. Once you arrive at the shops, the footpath goes around the northern side of the parking area to the surf club.

KM 7.5 | Turn Right / Surf Club & Dune Path
At the far end of the car park, right next to the Omaha Surf Club, you’ll be directed to cross the car park between a coned lane and join on to the dune path. Follow this dune path all the way to Walkway 13 beach entrance.

KM 7.8 | Turn Right / Walkway 13 > Footpath
When you get to walkway 13, you’ll turn right – away from the beach – onto a footpath that takes you between houses to a wooden footbridge over a gully next to Mangatawhiri Rd (the main road on the southern end of the peninsula). This path has a couple of short hills to negotiate.

KM 8.1 | Turn Left / Mangatawhiri Rd
Once over the footbridge, take a left turn and stay on the footpath on Mangatawhiri Rd. As you make this turn, you’ll find the final Aid Station. Stock up … less than 2km to go! You’ll stay on this footpath heading south for almost 1km. Take care as you pass several cul-de-sac entrances and a car parking area.

KM 9.0 | Turn Left / Paraoa Cres
So close now you can probably hear the finish line PA! Paraoa Cres is fully closed for the event so as you turn into the road, you can move on to the smooth running surface of the seaward side of the road. Just be sure not to cross over the median strips to the landward side. Follow this beautiful crescent all the way back around to the event venue.

KM 9.7 | Turn Left / Mangatawhiri Rd
At the end of Paraoa Cres, you’ll be directed up onto the footpath as you turn left. The entrance to the venue is just ahead.

KM 9.8 | Turn Left / Rahui Te Kiri Reserve
It doesn’t get any better than this! Take the sharp left turn into the reserve and you now have 200 metres of footpath, boardwalk, flags, fences and cheering fans as you make that final blast up to the finish line!

Congratulations ... you made it!

5k Turn-by-Turn

KM 0.0 | Start | Taumata Rd
Race Start will be on the western side of Taumata Rd right on the junction with Mangatawhiri Drive. Allow at least five minutes to make your way to the start line from the race venue and ensure you arrive in time to hear the safety briefing.

KM 0.005 | Turn Right > Mangatawhiri Rd
Right after the start line, turn right onto Mangatawhiri Rd (which is the main road for the southern end of the peninsula). Keep to the right side of this road and bear right around the grass median as you will have returning runners coming back on the other side of the road.

KM 0.2 | Turnaround > Mangatawhiri Rd
The turnaround point is right in the mouth of Paraoa Cres and you'll arrive there much sooner than you think so be prepared! Make a 180 turn and head straight back towards the start line. Remember to keep to the right side of the road and follow the right hand carriageway around the planted median at the venue entrance.

KM 0.4 | Turn Left > Taumata Rd
Back at the start line, ensure you run into Taumata Rd on the eastern side of the grass median – do not pass under the START arch / over the timing mats. Taumata takes a 90 degree right turn as it heads towards the tennis courts at the end of the cul-de-sac. The next section of path is quite narrow and will be congested so use Taumata Rd to get yourself into the right section of runners to match your pace.

KM 0.8 | Ahead / Beach Path
At the end of Taumata Rd, take the footpath to the left of the tennis courts and follow it around to the left and towards the beach.

KM 1.0 | Turn Left / Dune Path
As you arrive at the beach entry – and under the watchful gaze of the Powhenua – take a sharp left turn onto the main dune path. You’ll stay on this path for the next 1500 metres. The concrete path is relatively narrow so please stay hard left unless passing. The first section of this path passes some of the most exclusive – and expensive – real estate in Auckland. You’ll pass the venue shortly afterwards, which is a great place for your supporters to cheer you as you go past. Once past the venue - lots of cheers! - the second section of the dune path has some small ups and downs but with the excitement of the early stages of the race, its unlikely you’ll notice. Focus instead on the views of beautiful Omaha Beach – that’s our next stop!

KM 2.7 | Turn Left / Walkway 13 > Footpath
When you get to walkway 13, you’ll turn left – away from the beach – onto a footpath that takes you between houses to a wooden footbridge over a gully next to Mangatawhiri Rd (the main road on the southern end of the peninsula). This path has a couple of short hills to negotiate.

KM 3.1 | Turn Left / Mangatawhiri Rd
Once over the footbridge, take a left turn and stay on the footpath on Mangatawhiri Rd. As you make this turn, you’ll find the final Aid Station. Stock up … less than 2km to go! You’ll stay on this footpath heading south for almost 1km. Take care as you pass several cul-de-sac entrances and a car parking area.

KM 5.0 | Turn Left / Paraoa Cres
So close now you can probably hear the finish line PA! Paraoa Cres is fully closed for the event so as you turn into the road, you can move on to the smooth running surface of the seaward side of the road. Just be sure not to cross over the median strips to the landward side. Follow this beautiful crescent all the way back around to the event venue.

KM 5.7 | Turn Left / Mangatawhiri Rd
At the end of Paraoa Cres, you’ll be directed up onto the footpath as you turn left. The entrance to the venue is just ahead.

KM 5.8 | Turn Left / Rahui Te Kiri Reserve
It doesn’t get any better than this! Take the sharp left turn into the reserve and you now have 200 metres of footpath, boardwalk, flags, fences and cheering fans as you make that final blast up to the finish line!

Congratulations ... you made it!

Kids' Dash Turn-by-Turn

KM 0.0 | Start | Taumata Rd
Race Start will be on the western side of Taumata Rd right on the junction with Mangatawhiri Drive. Parents ... allow at least five minutes to make your way to the start line from the race venue and ensure you arrive in time to hear the safety briefing. Kids will start their race heading north on Taumata Rd (towards the sea and in the opposite direction from the adults). Taumata takes a 90 degree right turn as it heads towards the tennis courts at the end of the cul-de-sac. The next section of path is quite narrow and will be congested so use Taumata Rd to get yourself into the right section of dashers to match your pace.

KM 0.4 | Ahead / Beach Path
At the end of Taumata Rd, take the footpath to the left of the tennis courts and follow it around to the left and towards the beach.

KM 0.6 | Turn Left / Dune Path
As you arrive at the beach entry – and under the watchful gaze of the Powhenua – take a sharp left turn onto the main dune path. After a couple hundred metres, you'll pass the venue and get lots of cheers and high 5s as you go through.

KM 1.2 | Turn Left / Paraoa Footpath
Shortly after passing behind the finish area, take a left turn – away from the beach – onto a footpath that takes you between houses and towards Paraoa Cres.

KM 1.3 | Turn Left / Paraoa Cres
Turn left onto the footpath of Paraoa Cres - you may see some of the last half marathon runners here - and head back towards the venue. Look out for marshals standing at the entrance to Paua Lane and Pipi Lane. These are two very short cul-de-sacs and you'll be directed to run around the back of the roundabout on each one to make sure our 2k distance is spot on.

KM 1.7 | Turn Left / Mangatawhiri Rd
At the end of Paraoa Cres, staying on the footpath, bear around to the left. The entrance to the venue is just ahead.

KM 1.8 | Turn Left / Rahui Te Kiri Reserve
It doesn’t get any better than this! Take the sharp left turn into the reserve and you now have 200 metres of footpath, boardwalk, flags, fences and cheering fans as you make that final blast up to the finish line!

Congratulations ... you made it!

Course Tour Videos

Join Jase & Rob from Running Events for a tour of the OHM  course highlights ...

Round off your running year in style ...

... sign up for the Omaha Half Marathon here.